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IANAS Science Education: Reunión sobre Planificación Estratégica

Noviembre 2011

1. Involvement of 18 American Academies of Sciences that bring high credibility and prestige.
2.IBSE is a continental program supported by a world program.
3.Informal agreements between the Academies of Science and the Ministries of Education in several countries.
4.Involvement of international experts in Science Education.
5.Facilitates exchange of regional experts and sharing of resources within the region.
6.Potential to mobilize science community to participate in the program.
7.Implementation of IBSE in primary schools in many countries since 2001.
8.Regional inclusion of science issues in the official curriculum at primary school levels.
9.Potential for international collaboration and improvement of standards.
10.Institutional framework and forum for cross-fertilization of ideas/disciplines in a "multi-lingual body".
11.National programs exist in good stages of development in some countries providing a learning platform for other member countries.
12.Establishment of the IndagaLA portal for exchanging resources and experiences.


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